XXIII EANC Council Member

Orinda, CA 1951
Mati was born and raised in LA, and participates in numerous Estonian organizations. He graduated USC with an MBA and moved to pursue his career on Madison Avenue. Fortune brought him to San Francisco to help launch Apple into a broadcast medium. This led to his extensive career in consumer products, financial services and data monetization. As an entrepreneur, Mati has donated his energies to Estonian start-ups in Silicon Valley and to Estonian causes throughout the world. He married Silvi Laan 35 years ago, with son Mikk and daughter Kai now pursuing their own careers. He is currently the Managing Director of Market Direct.
I believe it is important for individuals from the West Coast to stand-up and take active roles in Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides (ERKÜ) / Estonian American National Council (EANC) to promote the freedom and cultural causes for all Estonian Americans. Throughout my life, I have supported, participated and/or have led numerous Estonian organizations in Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco. These efforts included participation in LA & NY Folk Dance Groups and the NY Men’s Choir and Theater Group. In San Fran-cisco, this included re-establishing SF Eesti Kool as its principal; SF Eesti Selts as President (twice), Lääneranniku Eesti Päevad (West Coast Estonian Days festival) President, LEP Board Member (twice) and Eesti Organisatsioonide Liit Läänerannikul, EOLL (West Coast Estonian League) President. I have taken an active role in advising 20+ Estonian start-ups and donating time in operational roles for many. I feel accomplishment in helping bring together the American and Estonian born into one cohesive community in SF when transition was needed. I feel pride helping Korp! Vironia USA grow into a major contributing organization.
I have served four terms as an EANC member since 2006, having attended the majority of annual meetings and events.
As an elected EANC council member, I served on the Strategy Committee; assisted in the fundraising efforts for the Singing Revolution movie; worked on the 2016 Gala Awards Committee to bring the event to the West Coast and to honor West Coast nominees Arne Kalm and Steve Jürvetson.