Estonian Organizations Around The World


Estonian organizations outside of the US:

Estonian World Council / Ülemaailmne Eesti Kesknõukogu

Global Estonian is a network site that provides access to community information for expatriate Estonians and others throughout the world.

Estonian Worldwide Youth Network / Ülemaailmne Eesti Noortevõrgustik (Facebook Page)


Estonian Central Council in Canada / Eestlaste Kesknõukogu Kanadas (EKN)
958 Broadview Ave., Suite 101, Toronto M4K 2R6.
(416) 465-2219.
Contact: [email protected]

Toronto Estonian House
958 Broadview Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4K 2R6
(416) 461-7963

Montreal Estonian Society

Alberta Estonian Heritage Society.  The Estonian community here is the earliest one in Canada.

Vancouver Estonian Society

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