Estonian Consul in New York, Mr Tarmo Punnik, will conduct a consular mission from June 7 – 9 at the Long Island Midsummer Celebration (L.I. Estonian House, Middle Island, NY).
The Consul will be available for registering fingerprints for those who wish to apply for a passport online using the self-service portal. Consular advice and applying for other documents will also be available. Payment can be made by check or cash. Those seeking services should co prepared with American passport and Estonian passport, if applicable.
Long Islandi Estonian House, 20 Middle Island Blvd, Middle Island, NY 11953
Long Islandi jaanitulele 7-9 juuni 2024 tuleb kohale Eesti konsul New Yorgist. Tema juures saab taotleda passi ja ID-kaarti, anda sõrmejälgi, et oleks endal võimalik iseteeninduses dokumente tellida. Samuti saab küsida nõu ja tellida teisi dokumente. Tasumine sularahas või tšekiga. Kaasa tuleks võtta nii Eesti kui USA pass, kellel on.
Note: Passport & ID card renewal applications can also be done by mail or at the self-service portal of the Estonian Police Board (, if your fingerprints on file are less than 6 years old.
You may update your fingerprints with the consul even if you do not need to renew a document at this time. This could save you a future trip to New York or Washington, DC, should you need to renew a document in the next few years and discover that your fingerprints are or will be outdated. This service is free of charge.
Please see updated consular service fees as of April 3.
Payments during consular mission must be made in cash or check – no credit cards will be accepted, as we don’t have a card terminal.